10 tips for living a healthy life


1. Eating healthy:

2 meals- breakfast ( cereals+ milk+ fruits),  lunch ( bread+vegetable+yoghurt) and dinner with a nutritious salad and soup.

2. Exercise your brain:

Daily exercise for 30-40 minutes which can include a daily walk/yoga/gym/ dancing/weight lifting/playing a sport/swimming. This daily exercise can keep you away from the most common diseases diabetes and hypertension.

3. Good sleep:

Proper sleep of 8 hours in a day.Sleeping in darkness is crucial for the body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which plays a virtual part in the sleep wake cycle. Turn off your gadgets before you go to sleep.

4. Eat smaller portion of high calorie food:

High calorie food prone your healthy lifestyle to go in bin as it leads to high cholesterol, good chance of developing diabetes, obesity.

5. Quit smoking- you wont gain weight:

Smoking does no good to your body rather it leads to lung cancer and many other diseases. Quitting smoking wont make you gain weight over long term. Some people pick on 4 or 5 pounds but that’s only temporary.

6. Curl up with hot coffee:

Start your day with those hot coffee cups without additional calories of creams and sugar. Caffeine in coffee actually stimulates the brain, nervous system and may lower risk of developing diabetes, parkinson’s disease, mood problems and headaches.

7. Say no to fizzy drinks:

Fizzy drinks are health hazard in long term as it weakens your bones and teeth. Instead of these fizzy drinks you can grab a fresh fruit juice.

8. Fall in love with fiber:

Fruits not only tastes good but also provide disease fighters as it contains phytochemicals (provides powerful health benefits), fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Have at least 1 fruit a day. AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY.

9. Let it beet: 

It sounds bizarre, but beetroot could be a secret weapon against high blood pressure. The condition is a major cause of heart disease and stroke, but many people aren’t aware they have it as it has no symptoms.

10 Laughter is the best medicine:

It is scientifically been proved that people who live happily and laugh more have less chances of developing diseases and have more chances of living a long happy life

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