
Soft drink is a beverage that typically contains water, sweetener (sugar, sugar syrup, high fructose com sugar, fruit juice) and a flavoring agent. No matter what your taste is these drinks come in variety like full calories, low calories, and no calories, caffeinated and caffeinated free drinks.

Amount of calories varies in every soft drink depending on the amount of sweetener added. Soft drinks get their fizz from the carbon dioxide added under pressure into the drink. They are called soft drink in comparison to the hard drink (alcohol). Soft drinks may also supply some amount of phosphorous and potassium.



–          Increases risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2

–          Increased risk of osteoporosis as phosphorous deplete

–          Increased risk of developing heart disease due to the fructose content

–          Increased risk of developing asthma and eczema

–          Increased risk of developing kidney stones

–          Increased risk of obesity

–          Dissolved tooth enamel


  1. Fizzy drinks should always be taken with straw as drinking it directly can cause tooth decay more easily.
  2. Never brush soon after you drink any of the fizzy drink as it can cause more damage to teeth.
  3. Do not have milk and then cola or vice versa as it destroys the calcium absorption of milk.



Women who are often on dieting assume that its better to have diet cola than a regular soft drink as the diet cola would contain less calories and less chance of developing diabetes mellitus type 2. But that assumption seems to be wrong after the research done on 65,000 french women who were all middle aged or old. It showed women who drank diet cola drank more of them than who drank normal soft drink. Not only that, but researchers also found that those who drank diet cola were more at a risk of developing diabetes than those drinking normal cola.


–          These drinks causes cancer as it contains caramel sweeteners

–          They contain phosphates a weak acid that gives colas a tangy flavor and improves their shelf life. It can lead to kidney and heart problems, muscle loss, osteoporosis and one study suggest that it could lead to accelerated ageing.

–  It’s not just the soda that’s causing the problems but also the cans. Cans are made up of an epoxy resin called bisphenol A to keep the acids reacting from the metal. BPA is known to interfere with hormones to cause infertility, obesity, diabetes and other forms of cancers.

–  Some drinks like Mountain Dew contain brominated vegetable oil – a toxic flame retardant – to keep the artificial flavor from separating from the rest of the liquid. This hazardous ingredient can cause bromide poisoning and its symptoms are skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders.

– Most sodas contain caffeine which causes certain cancers, breast lumps, irregular heart beat and high blood pressure.


  1. Soda drinks are recommended for stomach burns: False, these drinks would satisfy you in the beginning for few seconds and after some time it causes more irritation due to the acid content in it



There is no strong evidence suggesting that occasionally having fizzy drinks can be harmful and there is no reason to avoid them.

Carbonated drinks are harmful for health if taken in large quantities or on everyday basis and they don’t bring any vitamins or minerals to the diet.

Don’t miss out on other drinks like milk for calcium and juices for vitamins as they are essential for your body to stay fir.

Carbonated drinks should be your second option.





Can anyone ever think that chocolates can even be healthy???

Many of us believe mainly parents that eating chocolates is a sin. But is it really?? Chocolates have been blamed by teenagers for causing acne and old people for causing cavities. Many of us have berated it is being fattening and without nutrition. But ironically, chocolates have been used in many things including as an antidepressant.

    Chocolate has become one of the most popular sweetened products from the seed of the tropical theobroma cocoa tree. The seeds of cocoa tree are extremely bitter so they need to be fermented. After fermentation the beans are dried then cleaned and then roasted and the shell is removed to make cocoa nibs.

Types of chocolates:

  1. Baking (unsweetened) chocolate: contains cocoa solids and cocoa butter in variable proportions
  2. Sweet chocolate: contains cocoa solids, cocoa butter and fats like sugar
  3. Milk chocolate: contains cocoa butter, sugar and milk powder

Cocoa solids contain alkaloids such as theobromine, phenethylamine and caffeine. These alkaloids have physiological effects on our body.

Theobromine is known to be used as a vasodilator (blood vessel widener), diuretic (increased urine production) and heart stimulant. The American journal of clinical nutrition notes that use of theobromine for vascular diseases including atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries in the heart which leads to heart attack), angina pectoris ( chest pain due to inadequate blood supply to heart) and hypertension (blood pressure) should be considered in future.



–          From a study in 1988 published in the British medical journal The Lancet reported that men who ate chocolate and candy lived a year longer than people who did not.

–          Holland’s National Institute of Public Health and Environment examined the chemical compounds in a range of food and discovered that chocolate contains a high percentage of catechins, which protect against a heart diseases and cancer.

–          Dark chocolate contains 53.5 milligrams of catechins per 100 milligrams while white chocolate contains 15.9.

–          A cup of black tea contains 13.9 milligrams of catechins. Therefore having cup of tea and a cookie is not only enjoyable but healthy as well.


The University of Osaka in Japan confirmed that chocolate helps in the prevention of plaque formation and dental caries. (Chocolates contain flavinoids and antioxidants which can prevent low density lipoproteins from creating plaque and clogging your arteries)

–          Researchers in Scotland and Italy say dark chocolate has much better antioxidant properties than white chocolate.



There are plenty of benefits by eating dark chocolate;

–          It’s good for your heart: eating a small bit of dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of blood pressure and blocked arteries

–          It’s good for your brain as it contains phenythylamine which encourages the brain to release endorphins, and improve the mood

–          Dark chocolate can protect against type 2 diabetes. It has a low glycemic index so it won’t dramatically increase blood sugar levels. The flavinoids it contains also help to reduce insulin resistance

–          Dark chocolate also contains high concentration of potassium, copper, magnesium and iron which help protect against stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease and iron deficiency.


–          Dark chocolate is high in calories both in fat and sugar

–          It contains theobromine, sugar and caffeine which results in mood elevation

–          It also contains vasoactive amines which leads to migraine headaches

–          Dilates the vessels of the brain

–          Chocolates are not to be avoided especially in those who have recurring and active herpes infection as it contains high quantity of arginine which is necessary in replication of the virus herpes.


–          Dark chocolate can help prevent pre eclampsia ( blood pressure)

–          Aids in proper blood pressure regulation

–          Chocolate makes happy babies

–          Contains antioxidants so as to boost up the immunity and prevent from cancers

–          Can prevent heart disease

–          Can help pregnant women manage weight and reduce cholesterol levels

–          Relives stress.






Wearing spectacles at parties is sometimes embarrassing and make you feel inferior so one has an option to give yourself original look by wearing contact lenses. Contacts don’t detract from your natural appearance; people can very well see your beautiful eyes. There are few things which a contact lens wearer should keep in mind.



–          Visit your eye doctor yearly basis

–          Wash and dry  your hands with a mild soap prior handling your lenses

–          Rub, rinse and store lenses in the recommended solution after every time you wear

–          Always apply the same lens first to avoid mixing them up

–          Apply your lenses before applying make up

–          Remove your lenses before removing the make up

–          Always close your eyes if hair spray or any spray is being used

–          Replace your lens case at least in 3 months

–          Throw the lens cleaner solution once expired

–          Wear only the lenses specified by your doctor

–          Stick strictly to the recommended time period and frequency of removal of lenses

–          Discard lens and solution before its expired

–          Have a pair of spectacles for  you when you need to remove lens



–          Use tap water, or any other water for cleaning your lenses

–          Wet your lens with saliva

–          Apply lens if it’s dirty or damaged

–          Put lens on the eyes if it falls on the floor without cleaning and storing the lenses again

–          Sleep with your lenses on at any time of the day

–          Wear lens while swimming or taking shower unless wearing goggles

–          Use any eyes drop without advice from your contact lens practitioner

–          Share contact lenses with any one




Snoring is a harsh sound which occurs when there is an obstruction during sleep. It occurs when air flows through the nasal and relaxed throat tissues, causing the tissues to vibrate as u breathe, which causes this annoying sound. Sometimes snoring can be a health hazard and also can ruin your personal life.

Snoring can lead to insomnia, day time fatigue, weakness, irritability and major health problems.


Get to the bottom of snoring and its causes; remedies as all snoring are not the same. Know your sleep pattern, level of snoring and then you will know how you can make your sleep deeper and quieter. There are many causes to it. Snoring not only irritates the other person but also brings down relationships to an end which is very devasting and heart breaking.


Snoring is becoming very common because of obesity. It occurs more likely in men. Studies estimate that 45% of men and 30% of women snore on a regular basis.



–          Age: middle aged and beyond as your throat becomes narrower and the muscle tone in your throat decreases.

–          Built: men have narrower air passages than women so they are more prone to snore. Cleft palate, narrow throat, enlarged adenoids are some of the hereditary causes of snoring

–          Blocked airways

–          Obesity

–          Alcohol, smoking and medications like sleeping pills

–          Sleep posture: sleeping flat on your back causes the flesh of your throat to relax and block the airway.


LEVEL 1: mild resistance to airflow in the upper ways which leads to snoring but with no disturbance in sleep

LEVEL 2: resistance to airflow increases, there may be transient arousal from sleep that typically won’t be lack of oxygen (hypoxia). This is called the upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS)

LEVEL 3: resistance increases even further and ventilator support are not sufficient enough to keep the level of oxygen stable. Oxygen level goes down (hypoxia), as a result there is sleep arousal many a times and it is called obstructed sleep apnea- hypo apnea syndrome.


–          Closed mouth snoring may indicate a problem with your tongue

–          Open mouth snoring may indicate problem in throat tissues

–          Snoring while sleeping on your back – mild lifestyle changes or sleeping pattern

–          Snoring while sleeping in all postures – requires visit to doctor and proper treatment.



Sleep has 6 stages but in general there are 2 stages- REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non rapid eye movement). Snoring can occur in all stages of sleep but mainly occurs in REM sleep due to the loss of muscle tone during this stage.

During REM sleep brain sends signal to all the muscles except the respiratory (breathing) muscles to relax. However, tongue, palate and throat can collapse when relaxed. This can cause the airway to worsen the snoring.



Snoring also goes with the way you sleep. If you sleep on your back which most of us do gravity pulls on all the tissues of the body except the pharynx tissues which are relatively soft. Therefore, when we lie down gravity pulls out palate, tonsils and tongue backwards which narrows the airway and cause turbulence in airflow vibration and snoring. So if your partner has a habit of snoring gently remind him (for example: a gentle thrust of the elbow to ribs or a tickle) to roll on to his or her side. These way tissues are no longer pulled and snoring lessens.


Apnea means suspension of external breathing. It is of two types: central apnea, obstructive apnea. Central apnea means brain fails to send the signal which causes breathing when you asleep. Obstructive apnea is the more common which occurs when throat muscles relax too much during sleep causing the airway to collapse.


–          Morning dry mouth, sore throat and headaches

–          Exhaustion

–          Insomnia

–          Inattentive behavior during the day

–          Fatigue

–          Snoring

–          Awakening abruptly and experiencing shortness of breath


Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea:

–          Obesity

–          Gender: men are more likely to suffer from this than women

–          Narrow airway

–          Genetics

–          Drug or alcohol use

–          Congestion

–          Smoking

–          Advanced age

Obstructive sleep apnea is commoner in the United States due to increasing level of obesity which leads to apnea. Obesity causes an increase in weight which is placed on the lungs or airway which may cause it to collapse during the night. And the above mentioned causes contribute to this apnea.


Risk factors of central sleep apnea:

–          Stroke

–          Brain tumor

–          Advanced age

–          Heart problems

–          Gender: M>F

Central sleep apnea is caused by brain malfunction. Normally, brain send the signal to the body for breathing but sometimes brain fails to send these signals as in the cases of stroke, so in such people central sleep apnea is very common.



Everyone wants to go for the more intensive and hard core ones. And people forget the ones which are easier and simpler like:

–          Reduce the risk factors such as keep a check on your weight; avoid drinking alcohol, cut down on smoking and avoid sleeping pills as it may cause the throat and tongue muscles to relax and fall back which leads to obstruction..

–          These changes in your lifestyle will take good amount of time so until then undergo other level of treatments as well.

–          These treatments are also for individuals in whom the risk factors can’t be prevented. Other treatments like using a machine CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). CPAP works in the manner of changing the air pressure in nose, mouth and airway according the individuals requirement. It keeps your airway open during sleep. CPAP machine works by the user fitting a mask over the nose and mouth. There are many variations on this machine like EPAP                     (expiratory positive airway pressure) and BPAP (bi-level positive airway pressure).

–          On the more extreme end of treatment is surgery which helps people suffering from apnea. These include removing the tissues of throat, reposition the jaw.


  1. Behavioral changes:

Weight loss, changing sleep positions, avoiding alcohol, smoking cessation and changing medication which causes snoring

  1. Dental devices:

Snoring occurs due to the obstruction of airflow due to narrowing of the throat. This narrowing can make the tongue fall back and lead to apnea. So to prevent this, there are some dental pieces called as mouth piece which people put before going to sleep in their mouth. They must be worn every night to work, can also cause or exacerbate temporal mandibular joint problems, can cause excessive salivation.

  1. Nasal devices and medications:

-For people with narrow nasal passages these nasal devices can be used.

– Nasal saline irrigation sprays to clean and moisturize the nasal environment irritants like dust, pollen.

– Nasal steroids and decongestants: steroid spray decrease the inflammation in the nose and decongestants shrink the blood vessels in the turbinates. Both these ways can prevent you from snoring. A steroid does have few side effects compared to nasal saline which has no side effect.



  1. Clear nasal passages
  2. Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier. Dry air irritates the membrane and the lining of nasal membrane
  3. Reposition: keeping your head elevated to 4 inches prevent your tongue from falling back and leading to snoring. There are special pillows and devices especially designed for snoring.
  4. Avoid caffeine and heavy meal within 2 hours of bedtime
  5. Sleep on your side: avoid sleeping on your back and make it a habit of sleeping on the side you comfortable with.


–          You snore loudly and heavily

–          You stop breathing, gasp or choke during sleep

–          Sleeping at inappropriate times like during the day, while having a meal or chatting with some one



–          Of your eating habits so as not to be obese

–          Cut down on your alcohol level

–          Cessation of smoking

–          Visit a doctor as soon as your partner complains of your loud snores and when you are awakened from your sleep just because of snoring.



Fasting basically means abstinence from food and drinks for short or long period of time. There are many different types of fast, some people abstain from food and drinks for 1 or more days and some fast partially by having 1 meal a day and water. I have been asked by my friend to write on this topic as I fast a lot. And he feels that it is unhealthy for a person’s health.



–          Fasting religiously is active all over the globe. People during fasting ask god to forgive for their mistakes they have committed in past and maintain fast for few days. Some religions ask followers to fast in order to control their desires, will power and also understand the suffering of poverty.

–          People fast in all religions like Buddhists, Catholics, Eastern orthodox, Jews, Mormons, Muslims and Hindus.


–          One has to fast for medical reasons like: to check blood sugar level, cholesterol screening and also overnight fasting for most surgeries.

–          Fasting in medicine has a purpose as eating before breakfast for example will interfere for the test until your food is not digested completely. Because cholesterol and other blood tests check your fat level in the body so if you eat food before getting tested, more fats will be added in your body and that will produce misleading results.

–          Fasting is most common before surgeries which involve anesthesia. If a person eats before the surgery there are chances of a person vomiting during the surgery and inhale their stomach contents which can be deadly. This practice of overnight fasting might get outdated soon as the researchers are finding that regurgitation during surgery is way too rare. Moreover, fasting can have adverse effects like headaches, dizziness and dehydration in some people.

–          During fasting the body looks out for the stored energy in your body and compensates the body’s requirements with the stored energy. But one should avoid fasting for long period as that can damage your heart which is a muscle and also your liver and kidneys which can decrease in size if you don’t consume protein.

–          Some medical procedures that require fasting:

–          Blood check

–          Cholesterol level

–          Glucose testing

–          Surgery with full anesthesia

–          Diabetes screening


People assume that fasting will help in losing weight, but is it healthy? There are many opinions drawn by people on this topic. Many think fasting is the best way to lose weight but it is not healthy. To lose weight in a healthy way one should cut down on the calories and not starve. Generally if people fast sporadically, a few days here and few days there don’t really lose weight and put the weight back after few days. Thus, fasting and losing weight can only be temporary and not in long term. It has also been proved that long fasting can be fatal for the body, can lead to drop in blood sugar levels and that can in turn lead to headache, dizziness, nausea. After the fast is over, your hormones might drive you to eat more and that can cause binge eating.


Political leaders believe in having hunger strikes for making their statements heard and approved. Hunger strike is a non violent way to ask people on agreeing on one’s terms. For example, Mohandas karamchand Gandhi a famous Indian leader used fasting to protest a British proposal for Indian constitution.

Another example of  famous hunger strike- the 40 hour famine- an annual event in Australia, in which millions of people participate to fast in order to donate to various children’s charities. This has been publicized all over the world and been successful all throughout because of great number of participants involved.


  1. Be accountable: keep some one acknowledged about your fast, can be anyone your friend or any family member because if you are not fasting in a healthy way, they can definitely guide you in a better way or convince you not to fast if you are not fit enough to fast.
  2. Prepare much in advance: majority of people have this wrong thought or belief of overeating before fasting as they think it might make the fasts easier. But this act will completely work in a opposite manner by making them more uncomfortable and stomach upset. So please don’t do it.

Instead, cut down on meat and dairy products, fried food, fizzy drinks and consumption of coffee, black tea should be reduced few days before you attain your fast. And one day before the fast get into a habit of eating fruits and vegetables. So altogether this will make you fit to fast in a healthy way.



During fasting, body eliminates toxins but at the same time it can cause a lot of discomfort. It can make you feel dizzy, headaches can happen.

But if you have prepared yourself well in advance these discomfort able symptoms can reduce. It’s known that fasting eliminates toxins but for that to happen you need to drink sufficient water and not over drink it. Drink 4 -5 quarts of water per day. As water flushes out toxins and it flushes out many minerals and vitamins also. And that leads to muscle cramps, irregular heart beat and fatigue.


The way you end the fast is very important. Mostly one day before the fast gets over, people gets up on deciding which restaurant to go and which fast food to hog. But that is wrong. One should always keep in mind that after fasting you should come back to your normal diet gradually. Like 1 day you should be on fruits which contains more acid, second day vegetables in addition to fruits with little dressing, third day little grains and protein rich food. By fourth day you should eat your normal diet.


–          Infants and children

–          Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

–          People suffering from diabetes and cancer

–          Elderly


green tea

I love green tea! Not for the love of the taste- no way but it keeps my weight in check. Green tea has increasingly become demanding all over the world because of its immensely powerful health benefits.

Green tea is made by briefly steaming the harvested leaves making them soft and pliable and preventing them from fermenting or changing color. After steaming, the leaves are rolled and then dried with hot air until they are crisp. The resulting greenish yellow tea has a green, slightly astringent flavor close to the taste of the fresh leaf.

It’s been used as medicine in china for thousands of years. Green tea in comparison to other different teas does not undergo the process of fermentation. This is the main reason that makes it so healthy full of antioxidants and polyphenols.

Here’s a list of benefits of drinking green tea:

  1. Weight loss: green tea increases metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea intensify level fat oxidation of the food and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.
  2. Diabetes: green tea apparently helps in lowering sugar levels after food intake in people suffering from diabetes.
  3. Heart disease: it helps in keeping the blood vessels relaxed to better withstand the blood pressure and also helps prevent formation of blood clots.
  4. Prevent cancer: Helps in killing the cancer cells without damaging the normal tissues of body
  5. Cholesterol: It reduces HDL (bad cholesterol) and increases LDL (good cholesterol).
  6. Alzheimer and Parkinson’s: helps to delay the deterioration of all types of dementia’s in old age which includes Alzheimer and Parkinson disease
  7. Tooth decay: Tea catechins- a strong antioxidant which destroys bacteria and virus in order to prevent throat infections and tooth decay.
  8. Blood pressure: regular consumption of green tea helps to maintain the normal blood pressure level
  9. Depression: theanine an amino acid present in tea leaves helps to give a soothing and tranquilizing effect and can be a great benefit to tea drinkers
  10. Skin care: green tea also helps with wrinkles and signs of ageing.
  11. Arthritis: it can help prevent rheumatoid arthritis as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys the cartilage.
  12. Helps to build stronger bones
  13. Asthma: theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscle which supports the bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma


Green tea is definitely healthy but drinking anything in excess is not necessary. Drinking 2 cups per day is sufficient for an individual. There has been a debate of drinking 10 cups, some people say 5 cups. But depending on the brand, 2 – 3 cups of green tea per day (for a total of 240 – 320 mg polyphenols) or 100-750 mg per day of standardized green tea extract is recommended.


There are three types of tea: green, black and oolong. The only major difference is in the way they are processed. Green tea does not undergo the process of fermentation so that makes it the most beneficial. It contains highest concentration of powerful antioxidants and polyphenols.


Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the affects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules when your body breaks down food or by environmental exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

  • Green tea is much higher in antioxidants than regular tea. It has 30 mg of caffeine per serving. It has a lighter taste than regular tea
  • Green tea is healthier and not processed by fermentation
  • Oolong tea gets partially fermented and often an additional shaking step that release additional flavours. These two qualities give distinct flowery and tasty flavors. It has somewhat more caffeine and less antioxidant than green tea.
  • Black tea is completely fermented which blackens the leaves and causes the formation of caffeine and tannins. Highest level of caffeine and least antioxidants.


*People who drink large amount of green tea for long periods of time may experience insomnia, irritability, heart palpitations and dizziness.

*Caffeine overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and loss of appetite.

*If you are drinking a lot of tea and start to vomit and have abdominal spasms then you probably suffering from caffeine poisoning. So immediately lower the intake of caffeine and seek advice from your doctor.

ALCOHOL: An undesirable yet an unavoidable cocktail



Alcohol is created when grains, fruits and vegetables are fermented. Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. Fermentation is used in many other food items like bread, cheese, cider, beer, wine, tea, chocolate, and coffee.

*If alcohol is a natural product then why is the legal age 21?

As we know that when people drink alcohol it directly goes into the blood stream and effects the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) which controls all body functions. And as scientists say that the teenager’s brain is still in process of developing and they are still discovering the affects of drinking alcohol before the age of 21.


–          Legal drinking age all over the US is 21

–          Women absorb alcohol in bloodstream more faster than a man and metabolize it slower

–          Alcohol does not relive depression- it makes it worse

–          Excessive drinking can reduce the testosterone level in males which can lead to impotence.

–          Most wine coolers have the same amount of alcohol as 12 oz beer.

–          In addition to being a depressant, alcohol was used as a local anesthetic and irritant.

–          Alcohol is found in many beverages, prescription and non prescription drugs.


alcohol 2


Drinking in moderation doesn’t really have any adverse affects. The government advises that people should not drink more than 3-4 units for men (equivalent to 1 pint), 2-3 units for women (around 175 ml glass of wine) on a regular basis. Regular means on everyday basis or most of the days of week.


That’s a thought to ponder over. For me its like a mixed message: good if taken in moderate proportion and bad as it leads to health hazards and many diseases. In safest way it is best to avoid alcohol. Do not start drinking for the health benefits it serves. Alcohol drinking in moderate terms is for people who drink it on regular basis.


–          Reduce risk of developing heart disease

–          Reduce risk of dying of heart attack

–          Lower risk of gall stones

–          Possibly reduce risk of developing diabetes.

–          Lower the occurrence of dementia in people over 70

Even with moderate drinking does not mean that it acts as a benefit for every individual. It applies for an older adult or an adult suffering from high cholesterol. If you are middle aged this moderate use of alcohol can do more harm than good. In fact if you are a woman and drinking in moderate terms, please consult a doctor for additional folate supplements to help reduce the risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol use.

Another important risk factor which people are not aware is that even people with moderate drinking among the people with Hepatitis C develop permanent liver damage. So, people suffering from Hepatitis C shouldn’t drink at all.

And the best way to stay healthy is to avoid alcohol and live a healthy life by eating healthy n exercising daily.

Benefits of some alcoholic drinks:

  1. 1.       Beer:

–          Stronger bones, stronger heart- reduced risk of heart disease, lowers risk of developing kidney stones by 40 %, boosting brain health- a glass a day may keep Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias at a bay. Reducer risk of cancer, diabetes, hypertension. Beer is beneficial to reduce these risk factors and which prevails mostly in 50’s or 60’s age group.

–          Beer also works as an excellent hair conditioner. So girls here is your reason to use spare beer if you don’t like to drink.


  1. 2.       Wine:

– Hippocrates often known as father of western medicine, promoted wine as part of a healthy diet. He also claimed that wine was good for infecting wounds as well as a liquid in which medicines could be mixed and taken more easily by patients. He even said that wine should be used to alleviate pain during childbirth, for symptoms of diarrhea and even lethargy.

– Women absorb alcohol more rapidly than men because of their lower body water content and different levels of stomach enzymes. Therefore moderate wine consumption will be a lower amount for women than men.

alcohol 3


–          Alcohol is a depressant which means it slows down the information being carried in your central nervous system. Some people who are depressed or stressed for any reason think that drinking alcohol will relieve their stress. But they are absolutely wrong; it will do more worse than good. Feeling happy or euphoric will be just for few minutes but it’s after results are very bad if taken in large quantities and on daily basis. It can lead to alcohol intoxication. Depending on the person, intoxication can make person very friendly and talkative or angry and aggressive which is why people are told not to drink and drive. They may act totally out of character.

–          When large amount of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time, alcohol poisoning can result. Violent vomiting is usually the first symptom and then progresses to extreme sleepiness, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood sugar, seizures and possibly death.


Well we all know that drinking alcohol during pregnancy is dangerous and it can cause lifelong health problems for your baby. Being aware of this fact we still misuse it during pregnancy.

“The problem with drinking alcohol during pregnancy is that there is no amount that has been proven to be safe”- says Jacques Moritz, MD director of gynecology at St. Luke’s Roosevelt hospital, New York.

Some doctors recommend that you completely avoid alcohol during pregnancy and some say little amounts won’t do any harm. Chances are your friends might confide to the same. And you are confused?

For decades researchers have said that alcohol drinking is harmful for your baby. But the potential effects of small amounts of alcohol on baby are still not well understood.


Adverse effects of alcohol on baby:

If a child is affected with alcohol during pregnancy it is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the affects are:

–          Infants may show slow growth and developmental delay, unusual facial features, irritability, brain and neurological disorders, mental retardation and problems with their attachment to their fathers.

–          Kids and school-age children may have problems with learning, low tolerance, frustration, inadequate social boundaries and difficulty reading.

–          Teenagers can have continuous learning problems, depression, anxiety and inappropriate sexual behavior.




ImageObesity is the most common disease adolescents and teenagers are facing these days. It has reached epidemic proportions globally, with at least 2.5 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, obesity is now dramatically on the rise in low and middle income countries. At least 1 in 3 children between the age 2 and 15 are overweight.

Have you ever heard the term called BMI?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measuring scale which tells you if you are overweight or not. It is used to determine if your weight is in a healthy range.

BMI= (height)2


Underweight             = 16-18.5 kg/m2

Normal body weight= 18.5-25 kg/m2

Overweight                = 25-30 kg/m2

Moderately obese    = 30-35 kg/m2

Severely obese          = 35-40 kg/m2

Very severely obese= over 40 kg/m2

By knowing your BMI you actually get to know in which category you fall. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the last 30 years.

obesity 1


  • Obesity can be hereditary which leads to an increased level of childhood obesity.
  • Genetic factors affecting the appetite like metabolic rate and how the body burns fat.
  • Some diseases which have a genetic component like PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and hypothyroidism.

But even if your genes make you to gain weight, it is not evitable that you become overweight.

Obesity develops from:

  • Overeating
  • Irregular meals
  • Lack of daily physical activity

In this time our lives have changed by being more sedentary and less of physical activity. And also that there is easy availability of convenience foods (fatty and sugary) Kids these days spend almost 4-5 hours in front of some or the other screen. Whereas kids should spend more time in physical activity to remain active like playing sports, jumping, running, skipping.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids over 2 years old not spend more than 1-2 hours a day in front of a screen. The AAP also discourages any screen time for children younger than 2 years old. Many kids don’t get enough physical activity although physical education in schools can help kids get up and run.

  • Studies have shown that a child’s risk of obesity greatly increase with one parent or both being obese.
  • Lifestyle modification should be first started in the family by eating healthy and daily exercise minimum for 30 minutes. Looking at parents definitely children learn and inculcate in their daily routine.

obesity 2


Psychologically being overweight can affect your body image and damage your self esteem. In some cases it can lead to anxiety and depression.

Common physical problems include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty walking and running
  • Pain in knees and joints
  • Increased sweating
  • Skin condition called acne
  • Gallstones

And obesity in long term can lead to:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • stroke
  • hypertension
  • diabetes
  • osteoarthritis

These diseases are often known as obesity related diseases and one of the most common causes of death at the age of 75.

*Medicines such as antidepressants, oral contraceptives and steroids also lead to obesity.


People assume that eating burgers, friend and junk food leads to obesity. NO! That is absolutely wrong. The problem lies in the quantity of junk food and fizzy drinks one takes. One should know what to eat and its quantity.

It’s very common for an individual to enjoy their meal while watching series on laptop or kids watching rhymes on ipad. BUT do you think doing this is healthy?

These food habits in long term can lead to overeating which in turn leads to obesity, hypertension, diabetes and many other diseases. So in order to be healthy one should curb down this habit.


  • Don’t reward kids for good behavior or try to stop bad behavior with sweets and chocolates. Come up with other solutions to modify their behavior.
  • Don’t completely eliminate sweets and favorite snacks as this will make them sneak out and secretively do over eating.
  • Lifestyle modification by eating in right proportion and daily exercise for 30 minutes.
  • Even though medications and diets can help, the treatment of obesity cannot be short term, it has to be lifelong commitment to proper diet habits, increased physical activity.



Home made face remedies


Home made face packs can do wonders by giving you a shining skin without much of an expense. it is less time consuming and with guaranteed no side effects.

If you think you got to spend a lot of money for getting a glowing skin then you are absolutely wrong. You just need to put in a little bit of your time and effort to give yourself a glamorous look. just need to know one thing is that what is your skin type- normal, oily or dry? In this article there are face packs according to your skin type. If you have some allergy to natural products then consult your dermatologist. these face packs should be applied twice in a week for a fair glowing skin.

 Before applying a facial mask do the following:

– Use a cleanser (lotion cleansers for dry skin and gel cleansers for oily skin) to remove the dirt.

– Then use a exfoliating scrub that contains round and non abrasive exfoliates.

– And then apply facial mask that suit your skin.



Note for dry skin: Always wash your face with lukewarm water and not with hot or cold water. While making face packs do not add water as an ingredient, but add rose water instead of water as it would give shine on your face.

1. Banana face mask: Banana is a fruit which can do wonders to your skin. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins and also plays a role in anti ageing agent.


– 1/2 banana (mashed)

– 1 tablespoon honey ( to give shine)

– 2 tablespoons sour cream (natural exfoliator, enhances skin)

Apply to face and let it on for 10 minutes. Gently wipe it off with damp wash cloth or with lukewarm water.

2. Papaya face mask: We have been hearing benefits of this fruit since our ancestors time. It is rich in antioxidants and contains a enzyme papain which kills the dead cells and impurities.

Ingredients:- Papaya slice (mashed)

Apply it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. No need of any other ingredient as papaya in itself is the best ingredient. Gently wipe off with damped cloth or lukewarm water.

3. Peach face mask: This fruit reduces wrinkles, good for tissue repair, protects from UV rays.


– Peach (grated)

– 1/2 tablespoon yoghurt

– 1 teaspoon honey ( antibacterial, treats acne, good cleanser)

– Few drops of rose water

Apply this on your skin and leave it on for 15 mins. Gently wipe off with damped cloth or with lukewarm water.

4. Honey face mask: Honey is good in both ways- taken internally or applied topically. It is antibacterial, treats acne, antiseptic for wounds, good cleanser agent, prevents wrinkles and works as an antioxidant.


– 11/2 tablespoon of honey

– 1 egg white (gives glow and poreless skin)

– 2 teaspoon glycerin ( increases moisture in dry skin)

– 1/3 cup flour

Make a paste of honey, egg white, glycerin and then the flour. It should come out as a thick paste. Apply to face and rinse it after 15 minutes. This mask effectively moisturizes and tightens the skin in order to give a smooth skin.




Note for oily skin: Always wash your skin with lukewarm water first and then with cold water. Lukewarm water as it opens up the pores and you can wash away the oil as pores open; cold water as you need to close the pores for dust not to move inside. Do not use soap to clean the mask.

1. Apple face mask: It is a beauty enhancing agent as it contains vit C, copper and also works as an antioxidant.


– 1/2 apple (smashed)

– 1 tablespoon lime juice ( rich in vit C which gives beautiful skin)

– 2 tablespoons sour cream ( natural exfoliator)

Apply to face and let it be on for 10 minutes. Gently wipe off with lukewarm water and then cold water.

2. Tomato face mask: It cures large pores, reduces acne or rashes, reduces nasty sunburn.

– 1 cup Tomato juice

– 1/3rd cup flour

Mix the above ingredients well and apply to face and let it be on for 10 minutes. Gently wash off with lukewarm water and then cold water.

3. Egg white face mask: It gives glow and poreless skin.

– Take egg white and apply it on the face, do not beat the egg. Let it dry and gently wipe off with cloth or wash it with lukewarm water and then with cold water.

4. Mint face mask: Mint works as a good moisturizer, cleanser and it gives you a refreshing skin.

– Take mint juice from mint leaves and mix rose water. Apply it on the face for 15 minutes and then wipe off with lukewarm water and then cold water.




1. Almond face mask: Makes your skin smooth, soft, fresh looking.


– Almonds (4-5)

– 1 tablespoon honey ( antibacterial, treats acne, good cleanser)

– 1 egg white ( glow and poreless skin)

Make powder of the almonds without adding water. Then add honey and egg white. Apply this misture on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off and then gently wipe off with damped cloth.

2. Onion face mask: Though onion has harsh smell but it is good for reducing wrinkles on your face. It gives a glow on your skin.


– 1 tablespoon of onion juice

– 1/2 tablespoon of honey ( antibacterial, treats acne, good cleanser)

Mix the above ingredients and apply it on your face and neck , let dry and gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.



Some poeple have sensitive skin due to the sun exposure and irritants. They have a problem choosing the products so here are some simple homemade remedies.

1. Honey and carrot face pack: Carrot is rich in Beta carotene(antioxidant), it protects against the sun’s harsh rays.


– 2-3 cooked carrots

– 1-2 tablespoons of honey ( antibacterial, treats acne, good cleanser)

Make a smooth paste with the above ingredients and apply it on the face. Let it be on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with plain water.

2. Oatmeal and yoghurt face pack: Oatmeal is known to have good exfoliating properties and also helps to calm the skin if its irritated.


– 2/3 tablespoons of yoghurt

– 2 tablespoons of oat meal

Mix the above two till it forms a thick paste. Then apply it on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Gently remove it with a damp washed cloth.

3. Banana, egg white and curd face pack:


– Half portion of banana

– 1 egg white

– 1 tablespoon curd

Mash the banana and try to do away the lumps. Then add the egg white and curd. Apply the mixture and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.


– Know your skin type first and then go for these packs. Good luck to have a glowing and rejuvenating skin.

10 tips for living a healthy life


1. Eating healthy:

2 meals- breakfast ( cereals+ milk+ fruits),  lunch ( bread+vegetable+yoghurt) and dinner with a nutritious salad and soup.

2. Exercise your brain:

Daily exercise for 30-40 minutes which can include a daily walk/yoga/gym/ dancing/weight lifting/playing a sport/swimming. This daily exercise can keep you away from the most common diseases diabetes and hypertension.

3. Good sleep:

Proper sleep of 8 hours in a day.Sleeping in darkness is crucial for the body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which plays a virtual part in the sleep wake cycle. Turn off your gadgets before you go to sleep.

4. Eat smaller portion of high calorie food:

High calorie food prone your healthy lifestyle to go in bin as it leads to high cholesterol, good chance of developing diabetes, obesity.

5. Quit smoking- you wont gain weight:

Smoking does no good to your body rather it leads to lung cancer and many other diseases. Quitting smoking wont make you gain weight over long term. Some people pick on 4 or 5 pounds but that’s only temporary.

6. Curl up with hot coffee:

Start your day with those hot coffee cups without additional calories of creams and sugar. Caffeine in coffee actually stimulates the brain, nervous system and may lower risk of developing diabetes, parkinson’s disease, mood problems and headaches.

7. Say no to fizzy drinks:

Fizzy drinks are health hazard in long term as it weakens your bones and teeth. Instead of these fizzy drinks you can grab a fresh fruit juice.

8. Fall in love with fiber:

Fruits not only tastes good but also provide disease fighters as it contains phytochemicals (provides powerful health benefits), fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Have at least 1 fruit a day. AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY.

9. Let it beet: 

It sounds bizarre, but beetroot could be a secret weapon against high blood pressure. The condition is a major cause of heart disease and stroke, but many people aren’t aware they have it as it has no symptoms.

10 Laughter is the best medicine:

It is scientifically been proved that people who live happily and laugh more have less chances of developing diseases and have more chances of living a long happy life